Updated on February 19, 2022
I’m faking it till I get it right.
So many things in this life aren’t black and white. If fact, the older I get the more I’m convinced we live in a mostly grey block. One that shifts and molds over time with experience and discovered truths. When I was … I was sure that… Yeah, there are a lot of things that can fill in those voids. Most of us have a long list of things that we were sure were right. My marriage, my parenting, my friendships, my food choices, my time, my money, my …
So, I’m faking it. Yeah, you read that right. I’m faking it. So is everybody else. I’m going to walk with my head high and a smile on my face. I’m going to find joy in the adventure. I’m going to speak with confidence. I’m going to act with courage. I’m going to fake it till I get it right.
See, no one with a 2-year-old is an expert. You’re an expert before you have one and after they turn 10. Before they came, I read all the books. I knew all the things. I was going to get it right. I did e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g I was suppose too. Guess what, they still screamed and said “NO”. Now they are all over 10. I remember some things that worked better than others. But we’re not talking a magic solution. More like, I remember this one time I did x-y-z and they stopped. Life is funny though, I had the next baby and guess what…that’s right, it didn’t work. Something else worked. Because no two of us are the same.
My marriage, same thing, I’m faking it. 20 years I’ve been pretending to know what I was doing. That’s basically a masters in, I love you. I hate you. Forgive me, Let’s get pizza for dinner. …Do we have a great marriage, yes. Could it be better, yes, things can always improve.
We all walk around with the grand notion that the person next to us has it all figured out. They don’t. Today make the best choice you can. Find joy in your adventure. Do it with the assurance that when you know better, you’ll do better.
“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas A Edison